Italian Celery Salad

Another installment on my winter salad kick! It's a wonderful celery, walnut and apple salad with shaved parmesan cheese and a lemon juice dressing. I don't go through celery very fast - I guess it has always just seemed like such a boring vegetable to me, it needs something to dress it up. So whenever I get it from our CSA, I make this salad to use a bunch of of it up! It's so refreshing, tangy, and also rich tasting with the cheese.

This recipe is adapted from the Silver Spoon cookbook (the Italian equivalent of the Joy of Cooking, recently translated into English).
2 tart apples (such as Granny Smith)
most of a bunch of celery
Juice of 2 lemons
1/2 cup walnuts
2 oz. Parmesan or other hard cheese, shaved into thin strips
1/2 cup parsley, chopped
Salt and pepper

Slice the celery stalks in 3-inch lengths, then slice each piece lengthwise into thin strips. Core the apples and slice them into matchsticks (so they are kind of the same shape as the celery strips). Toss with the lemon juice, walnuts, shaved cheese and parsley. Add salt and pepper to taste.


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